What is an essay?
What is required in an essay can be difficult to understand. They require more than just presenting what has happened in a field of work. Typically, they involve constructing an argument in relation to a particular issue, which takes into account the different positions in a debate.
It can be helpful to imagine yourself as a lawyer when thinking about how you are going to write your essay. As a lawyer, you have to be able to convince the jury of your point of view. Doing this will usually involve acknowledging the opposition's arguments and then rebutting those arguments in some way by mentioning their weaknesses or disadvantages. Highlighting the weaknesses in arguments that oppose your point of view can function to strengthen your argument.
It is usually good to be aware of
- alternative views,
- interpretations,
- and evidence
surrounding an assignment topic and to acknowledge them in your assignment. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to agree with these views. At least, by mentioning them you show the marker that you have read widely, you are well informed on the issue, and you are not biased in your position.
Academic style
Essays are written in a specific style: they use particular words and grammatical structures. This academic style is described in detail in introduction to academic writing.